Volume 7 (December 2023) The DLIS at 50: Reflecting, Reshaping – Embracing the Future

The Caribbean Information Professional

Jollette Russell
Rosemarie Heath

Publicado 2024-06-27

Palabras clave

  • 21st Century librarian,
  • Caribbean Area,
  • education,
  • information professional,
  • Jamaica,
  • University of the West Indies
  • ...Más

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Information is critical to the success of the 21st Century citizen, and so information professionals occupy a unique place in the information society. The quality, scope of services, technological infrastructure and collections in Caribbean information units have all witnessed significant and constant improvement over the past decades. This development is associated with the expertise of information professionals operating in the private, public, and academic sectors within the region. For continuous improvement in the sector, information professionals must be aware of what it means to be a part of the profession, where they fit and how they can make a significant contribution. They must also have a firm understanding of the skill sets needed for efficient and effective professional performance. The paper also explores the meaning of the concept “Information Professional,” the role of professional associations, professional competencies for the 21st Century; professional ethics; and current issues affecting information professionals.