Volume 51 Number 1
Volume 51 Number 1

Research Papers

A.T. Spurling, Daphne Spurling
Effect of various organic and inorganic Fertilizers on the yield of Montana tung (Aleurites montana) in Malawi
J.T. Sykes, Patricia M. Harney
Cassava propagation: the effects of rooting medium and IBA on root initiation in hardwood cuttings
K.J. Scott, Soertini Gandanegara
Effect of temperature on the storage life of bananas held in polyethylene bags with ethylene absorbent
R.A. Baynes, D. Walmsley
Mineral nutrition of the St Vincent groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
M. Ishaque, A.H. Cornfield
Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in relation to incubation temperature in an acid Bangladesh soil lacking Autotrophic Nitrifying Organisms
W.I. Robinson, I.A.M. Lucas
Diets based on Lucerne, ground whole dates, concentrates and dried fish for Jersey cows, castrates and bulls
K.E. Ghoneim, A.H. Taha, N.T. Kazzal, R. Kh. Abdallah
Effects of non-genetic factors and estimation of genetic parameters on fleece weight of Awassi sheep in Iraq
D.E. Evans
Sequential sampling of adult sugar-cane frog hoppers [Aeneolamia varia saccharina (Dist.)]
A.H. Pieterse, G.G.M. Schulten
Investigation on insecticide resistance in Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), T. confusum Duv. and Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. in small maize cribs in Malawi
J.M. Cherrett, G.V. Pollard, J.A. Turner
Preliminary observations on Acromyrex landolti (For.) and Atta laevigata (Fr.Smith) as pasture pests in Guyana
R.M. Sonoda, A.E. Kretschmer, Jr., J.B. Brolmann
Colletotrichum leaf spot and stem canker of Stylosanthes spp. in Florida
N.D. Singh
Effects of chemicals on nematode populations and yield of sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum Sendt.)