Volume 71 Number 4
Volume 71 Number 4

Research Papers

P.N.S. Mnkeni, J.M.R. Semoka, E.G. Kaitaba
Effects of Mapogoro phillipsite on availability of phosphorus in phosphate rocks
M.M. Hanafi, J.K. Syers
Agronomic and economic effectiveness of two phosphate rock materials in acid Malaysian soils
P.V.A. Lal, Y.M. Nor
Nitrogen dynamics of palm oil sludge - urea-amended soil on the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) seedlings
J.R. Okalebo, M.E. Probert, J.K. Lekasi
The effect of phosphate placement on maize in eastern Kenya
P. Oduor-Owino, S.W. Waudo
Comparative efficacy of nematicides and nematicidal plants on root-knot nematodes
Abuhay Takele, C.R. McDavid
Effects of short-term waterlogging on cultivars of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]
A.M. Haqqani, R.K. Pandey
Response of mung bean to water stress and irrigation at various growth stages and plant densities: I. Plant and crop growth parameters
A.M. Haqqani, R.K. Pandey
Response of mung bean to water stress and irrigation at various growth stages and plant densities: II. Yield and yield components
G. Rosaiah, D. Santha Kumari, N.V. Naidu, A. Satyanarayana
Sprout quality and sprout yield in different populations of mung bean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek]
T.R. Ganapathi, P. Suprasanna, V.A. Bapat, P.S. Rao
Stimulatory effect of cyanobacterial extract on banana shoot tip cultures
John Clapperton, Stephen Yow, Joe Chan, David Lim, Rob Lockwood, Lee Romanczyk, John Hamerstone
The contribution of genotype of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) flavour
R. Mohammed, F.G. Youssef, I. Chang-Yen
Trace mineral concentrations in cattle tissues in Trinidad
St. Clair Barker
Farm and home management extension: A new approach in agricultural extension