Volume 71 Number 3
Volume 71 Number 3

Research Papers

D.A. Shannon, W.O. Vogett, K.N. Kabaluapar
The effects of alley cropping and fertilizer application on continuously cropped maize
D.J. Firth, M.R. Lobel, G.G. Johns
Effect of mulch, Ca and Mg on growth, yield, and decline of macadamia
I. Trujillo, F. Gutiérrez, E. Figueruelo
The behaviour of available phosphorous and its relationship with plants in acid volcanic soils of the Canary Islands
G.M. Sajid, W.F. Campbell
Symbiotic activity in pigeon pea inoculated with wild-type Hup-, Hup+, and transconjugant Hup+ Rhizobium
David S. Trim, Djoko S. Damardjati, Deborah M. Jones, Ann E. Gordon
Development and testing of a solarenergy-supplemented paddy dryer
Maxima O. Mabbayad, K. Moody
Some factors affecting butachlor phytotoxicity and performance in wet-seeded rice
Amir D. Omer, Siddig M. El-Hassan
Location and cultivar variations in the prevalence of potato virus diseases in the Sudan
K. Swaminathan, A. Selvaraj
Effect of various fungicides and their mode of application on the incidence of paddy brown spot disease
Héctor E. Portillo, Henry N. Pitre, Keith L. Andrews, Dan Meckenstock
The influence of weeds on insect- related mortality of intercropped sorghum and maize in southern Honduras
E.L. Ogali
Effect of wood ash treatment and polythene packaging on post-harvest rot of cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium)
D.A. Little, G.J. Wassink, J.A. Riley, K. Agyemang, B. Badjie, R.H. Dwinger
Feed supplementation of village-based N’Dama calves
D.A. Little, G.J. Wassink, K. Agyemang, P. Leperre, L. Janneh, B. Badjie
Feed supplementation of lactating N’Dama cows under village husbandry
Felix I. Nweke, E.C. Okorji, J.E. Njoku, D.J. King
Expenditure elasticities of demand for major food items in south-east Nigeria