Volume 73 Number 4
Volume 73 Number 4

Research Papers

M. Karachi, Z. Matata
Preliminary evaluation of pigeon-pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] accessions for forage production and nutritive value and seed yield in western Tanzania
D.J. Oyedele, A.A. Amusan, A. Olu Obi
The use of Multiple-Variable Indicator Kriging technique for the assessment of the suitability of an acid soil for maize
K. Srinivas
Plant water relations, yield, and water use of papaya (Carica papaya L.) at different evaporation-replenishment rates under drip irrigation
J.G. Garza López, J. Soria Ruíz, H. Aguilar Pérez
Susceptibility to foliage and fruit diseases in some pecan cultivars at Coahuila, North Mexico
Samuel A. Adebitan, Bamidele Fawole, Glen L. Hartman
Effect of plant spacing and cropping pattern on brown blotch (Colletotrichum truncatum) of cowpea
R. Fogain, S. Gowen, F. Mekemda
Screening for susceptibility to Radopholus similis: Evaluation of plantains AAB and diploid AA, AB, and BB
G.M. Sanewski, S. Fukai, J. Giles
Shoot emergence of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) as affected by time of lifting, storage, size, and type of planting pieces
J.S. Benz, D.J. Midmoret, E.R. Keller
Planting materials for warm tropic potato production: mother-plant management for the production of rooted cuttings
Ivan Chang Yen, Ramsumair Sookram, David McGaw
Yield and chemical composition of essential oils of Grenadian nutmegs
V. Balakrishan, B. Murali Manohar
Studies on the serum mineral profile in chronic bovine haematuria
M.S. Kraidees, M.Y. Al-Saiady, S.M. Basmaeil, A.A. Al-Suwaid, M.A. Abouheif
Effects of high concentrate and high roughage diets supplemented with broiler offal meal on efficiency of energy utilization by growing lambs
C.L. Tawah, D.A. Mbah, Ph. Lhoste
Effects of Bos taurus genes on pre-weaning growth of zebu cattle on the Adamawa highlands, Cameroon
P.G. Grist, K.M. Menz
The economics of Imperata control in Indonesian smallholder rubber (Hevea spp.) plantations using bioeconomic modelling