Volume 62 Number 3
Volume 62 Number 3

Research Papers

Winston O'N. Harvey
Investigation into deep tillage of soil using multiple-tine shares
F.A. Gumbs, D. Summers
Effect of different tillage methods on fuel consumption and yield of maize
G.I. Atiri, H.W. Dele
Pepper veinal mottle virus infection, host reaction, yield and aphid transmission in pepper plants
F.R. Hobman
Effects of plant population and time to plucking on the production and profitability of tea in Australia
Ron B.H. Wills, Abdullah Hassan, Kevin J. Scott
Effect of storage time at low temperature on the development of black heart in pineapples
Galen D. Monso, Von D. Jolley, Laren R. Robison, Sheldon D. Nelson
Yield and nutrient uptake of Bigalta limpograss with liquid and solid N-P-K fertilizers
Antonio Carlos C.P. Dias, Stephen Nortcliff
Effects of two land clearing methods on the physical properties of an Oxisol in the Brazilian Amazon
Apurba Sarkar, Gitasree Sarkar
Split applications of nitrogen for ramie under subtropical conditions
F.R. Hobman
Evaluation of groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) for the wet tropical coast of Queensland, Australia
P.S. Srinivasan, R. Chandrababu, N. Natarajaratnam, S.R. Sree Rangaswamy
Leaf photosynthesis and yield potential in green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) cultivars
Graham A. King
The effect of time of planting on yield of six varieties of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) in the southern coastal lowlands of Papua New Guinea
P.J.C. Harris
Seed production of Urena lobata in Sierra Leone: effect of harvest date on yield
K.K.R. Bhardwaj, S.P. Dev
Production and decomposition of Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers. in relation to its effect on the yield of wetland rice
M.M.K. Durga Prasad, V. Arunachalam, A. Bandyopadhyay
Diversity pattern elucidating choice of parents for hybridization in varieties of groundnut, Arachis hypogaea L.
M.R.T Wickramaratne, S.I. Vitarana
Insect pollination of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) in Sri Lanka
Leslie A. Simpson, Frank A. Gumbs
A comparison of conventional tillage and no-tillage for cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) production
Maddineni M. Rao, Joseph E. Edmunds
Yield and growth performance of four plantain (Musa AAB group) cultivars in the Windward Islands