Volume 63 Number 4
Volume 63 Number 4

Research Papers

Laura B. Roberts-Nkrumah, Theodore U. Ferguson, Lawrence A. Wilson
Responses of four sweet potato cultivars to levels of shade: 1. Dry matter production, shoot morphology and leaf anatomy
Laura B. Roberts-Nkrumah, Lawrence A. Wilson, Theodore U. Ferguson
Responses of four sweet potato cultivars to levels of shade: 2. Tuberization
Manzoor Ahmad, B.H. Niazi, G.R. Sandhu
Reclamation of calcareous saline sodic soils by gypsum and HCl under rice cultivation
L.A. Manrique
Air and soil temperature relationships in a network of tropical soil families
J.R. Pardales, Jr., S.S. Dalion
Methods for rapid vegetative propagation of taro
G.H. Rashid
Effect of N-volatilization from urea on rice and jute emergence and seedling growth in some soils of Bangladesh
David Moore
Bract arrangement in the coconut fruit in relation to attack by the Coconut Mite Eriophyes guerreronis Keifer
Charles K. Ssekabembe
The importance of differences in maturity periods and stature in sorghum/finger millet intercrops
S.K. Sharma, N.D. Rana
A study of genetic divergence in a collection of small-seeded soybean accessions
O.J. Ayodele
Phosphorus availability in savannah soils of Western Nigeria
Robert V. Dowell, George Fitzpatrick, Robert Zumstein, Martha Johnson, Joe Fiore
Integrating biological control of Citrus Blackfly and current Florida citrus spray programmes
Leslie A. Simpson, Frank A. Gumbs
A system of crop and soil management for the wet season production of food crops on a heavy clay soil in Guyana: 1. Effect of mulching and tillage on soil properties and crop yields
Leslie A. Simpson, Frank A. Gumbs
A system of crop and soil management for the wet season production of food crops on a heavy clay soil in Guyana: 2. Effect of mulching and tillage on germination, growth, nutrient uptake and yield
D.C. Joshua, R.G. Thakare
A day-neutral mutant in jute
Yee Wah Sing, P.J. Wallens, Philomena Gangaiya, R.J. Morrison
The effect of liming on some chemical properties and maize production on a highly weathered Fiji soil
A.S. Masilacaf, Regina A. Prasad, R.J. Morrison
The impact of sugarcane cultivation onthree Oxisols from Vanua Levu, Fiji
B. Grof
Performance of associations of Desmodium canum/Brachiaria spp. In the Oxisol savannas of Colombia
A.O. Akinsoyinu
Minimum phosphorus requirement of the dwarf goat for maintenance