Volume 64 Number 2
Volume 64 Number 2

Research Papers

T. Vasantha Kumar, V.R. Naragund
Regeneration of patchouli plantlets by propagation of leaves
J.M. Farias, J.E. Winch
Effect of planting date and harvest stage upon yield, yield distribution and quality of sorghum sudangrass in northern Mexico
S. Kathju, R.K. Aggarwal, A.N. Lahiri
Evaluation of diverse effects of phosphate application on legumes of arid areas
K. Chong, J.C. Wynne, G.H. Elkan, T.J. Schneeweis
Effects of soil acidity and aluminium content on Rhizobium inoculation, growth and nitrogen fixation of peanuts and other grain legumes
Lidie Nkhonjera, Kwaku Agyemang, Martyn Butterworth
The performance of cattle stall-fed for beef in Malawi
A.O. Ogunkunle
Influence of microtopography and sampling on the variability of some chemical properties in southern Nigeria
Stuart R. Chant, Ibraheem S. Gbaja
Further studies on co-infection of cowpea by sunn-hemp mosaic virus and cowpea mosaic virus
S.N. Dissanayake, U.P. de S. Waidyanatha
The performance of some tropical forage grasses interplanted with young Hevea trees and their effect on growth of the rubber
F.G. Youssef, R.A.I. Brathwaithe
The mineral profile of some tropical grasses in Trinidad
Ola Palm, M. Ananda, P. de Silva
Nutrient cycling in paddy rice of a traditional farming system, Dry Zone, Sri Lanka
T.I. Ofuya, A.E. Akingbohungbe
Preliminary field evaluations of cowpea varieties for resistance to the black cowpea moth, Cydia ptychora (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
S.N. Asoegwu, J.C. Obiefuna
Effect of irrigation on late season plantains
Aliyageen M. Alghali
Effect of time of Chilo partellus Swinhoe (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) infestation on yield loss and compensatory ability in sorghum cultivars