Volume 66 Number 1
Volume 66 Number 1

Research Papers

F.B. Lauckner
Survey of the use of statistics in agricultural research journals
Kazumitsu Matsumoto, Hikoyuki Yamaguchi
Nonwoven materials as a supporting agent for in vitro culture of banana protocorm-like bodies
V. Beri, O.P. Meelu, C.S. Khind
Biomass production, N accumulation, symbiotic effectiveness and mineralization of green manures in relation to yield of wetland rice
J.S. Dhiman, Tarsen Lal, Surjan Singh
Reaction of cowpea cultivars to bacterial blight, anthracnose and cowpea mosaic diseases and their effects on economic performance
George V. Thomas, P. Sundararaju, S.S. Ali, S.K. Ghai
Individual and interactive effects of VA mycorrhizal fungi and root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, on cardamom
P.O. Ugherughe
Cytomorphological studies in some Cynodon species and hybrids
D.A. Little, Supriati Kompiang, R.J. Petheram
Mineral composition of Indonesian ruminant forages
Ndubisi lgwilo
Response of yam cultivars to staking and fertilizer application
J.A. Olofintoye
Tillage and weed control practices for upland rice (Oryza sativa L.) on a hydromorphic soil in the Guinea savanna of Nigeria
R. Trevor Wilson
Livestock production in central Mali: economic characters and productivity indices for Sudanese Fulani cattle in the agro-pastoral system
M.J. Jones, J. Sinclair
Effects of bare fallowing, previous crop and time of ploughing on soil moisture conservation in Botswana
D.L. McNeil
Factors affecting the field establishment of Plantago ovata Forsk. in northern Australia
Nayan N. Barthakur, Neville P. Arnold
Certain organic and inorganic constituents in bael (Aegle marmelos Correa) fruit
S.K. Pareek, V.K. Srivastava, R. Gupta
Effect of source and mode of nitrogen application on senna (Cassia angustifolia Vahl)
A.S. Chandel, K.N. Pandey, S.C. Saxena
Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and nitrogen benefits by nodulated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) to interplanted crops in northern India
J.E.G. Ikeorgu, T.A.T. Wahua, H.C. Ezumah
Effects of melon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb.) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) on the soil moisture and leaf water status of intercropped cassava/maize in Nigeria
B.A. Kalu
Seed yam production by minisett technique: evaluation of three Dioscorea species in the Guinea and derived Savanna zone of Nigeria
P.K. Tarafdar, Asit K. Mukhopadhyay
Availability of K to crops at minimal exchangeable K level in soil by exhaustive cropping

Research Notes

V.D. Aggarwal, J.T. Ouedraogo
Estimation of cowpea yield loss from Striga infestation