Volume 67 Number 1
Volume 67 Number 1

Research Papers

E.M. Hutton
Field selection of acid-soil tolerant leucaena from L. leucocephala × L. diversifolia crosses in a tropical Oxisol
N.W. Simmonds
Statistical vade mecum for the itinerant agricultural researcher
Maria Kessler, R. Belmar, N. Ellis
Effects of autoclaving on the nutritive value of the seeds of Canavalia ensiformis (jackbean) for chicks
F.J. Novak, R. Afza, M. van Duren, M.S. Omar
Mutation induction by gamma irradiation of in vitro cultured shoot-tips of banana and plantain (Musa cvs)
N.A. Ndegwe, F.N. Ikpe, S.D. Gbosi, E.T. Jaja
Effect of staking method on yield and its components in sole-cropped white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) in a high-rainfall area of Nigeria
David Moore, Lucius Alexander
Resistance of coconuts in St Lucia to attack by the coconut mite Eriophyes guerreronis Keifer
Jonathan Wadsworth
Effect of sugar cane feeding on the age at first service in a seasonally calving beef herd
Henry A. Laker
Reactions of cocoa (Theobroma cacao) seedlings and clonal plants to isolates of Crinipellis perniciosa in Trinidad
B.R. Godara, K.C. Arora, B.L. Pander, A.S. Khanna
Genetic and non-genetic factors affecting milk quantity and quality traits and their interrelationship in temperate × Zebu crossbred cattle
Mohammad Athar, A. Mahmood
Qualitative study of the nodulating ability of legumes of Pakistan. List 4
Pushpendra, Hari Har Ram
Dry matter yield as an effective selection criterion in soybean
E.J.A. Spaans, J. Bouma, A. Lansu, W.G. Wielemaker
Measuring soil hydraulic properties after clearing of tropical rain forest in a Costa Rican soil
A.O. Abdelbagi, A.H. Ahmed
Effect of the Sudanese strain of peanut stunt virus on the growth, nodulation and yield of cowpea under field conditions
K. Mathen, P. Rajan, C.P. Radhakrishnan Nair, M. Sasikala, M. Gunasekharan, M.P. Govindankutty, J.J. Solomon
Transmission of root (wilt) disease to coconut seedlings through Stephanitis typica (Distant) (Heteroptera:Tingidae)
R.C. Sharma, H.C. Sharma
Fertilizer phosphorus and potassium equivalents of some green manures for potato in alluvial soils of Punjab
M.I. Ezueh
Evaluation of the electrodynamic spraying technique for cowpea pest control
K. Pouono, D. Raj Kumar, F.B. Lauckner
Determination of leaf area in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
C. Boucaron, L. Collett, P. Vaander Zaag
Influence of growing and storage conditions on the subsequent performance of Solanum seed potatoes
N.W. Simmonds, S.T.C. Weatherup
Numerical taxonomy of the cultivated bananas

Research Notes

A.L. Abdalla, D.M.S.S. Vitti, J.C. Silva Filho
Treated sugarcane bagasse for sheep