Progress in crop productivity can be achieved through varietal selection for adaptation to specific production areas.
Common okra genotypes comprising two exotic and two local breeding varieties and nine landraces were tested in a
randomized complete block design and replicated three times for their adaptability to a super humid agro-ecology of
Nigeria. Data were collected on vegetative characteristics flowering, fruiting and fresh fruit yields at 6 and 8 weeks after
planting. Visual observations and scoring were made on the fruit colour and orientation. Fruits pubescence was determined by touch. The data were subjected to analysis of variance. Genotype × Season were used to explain results when the interactions were significant, whereas main effects means were separated by Least Significant Difference when the interactions were not significant. Effects of change in weather condition were more pronounced at the flowering and fruiting stages. Genotypic effect was pronounced in all the vegetative, flowering and yield attributes. Effect of genotypes × season did not influence vegetative growth; but reproductive and yield characteristics of okra. Days to 50 % flowering and fruit weight per plant can reliably be used as substitute days for first flowering and fruit weight in testing okra genotypes for
adaptability. Number of days to first fruit production was least in 44OS10. Number of fruits per plant was highest in
genotypes 46ON2. Genotypes of the same source may perform similarly. Genotypes 50KW6, 44OS10, 39OS5 and 87ED2
adapted to the environment in vegetative characteristics. Plant breeders can make choices among genotypes 46ON2, 86ED1, 87ED2, 48OY4, 47OY3, 44OS10 and 50KW6 in okra improvement programmes because the genotypes adapted to the environment and possibly possess genes responsible for fruit production.