This study examined hectarage and output responses of maize to market liberalization, price, price risk and financial support. The study covered a period of 40 years from 1970 to 2009. Secondary data were used. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and multiple regressions. The descriptive statistics results showed that price ranged from US$ 96.90 to 2039.37 per tonne and the price risk ranged from US$ 444.71 to 740.78 per tonne. The descriptive statistics results showed that the output of maize ranged from 695.20 to 10959.00 tonnes, while the hectarage ranged from 700.40 to 3481.28 thousand hectare. Positive determinants of output and hectarage of maize include liberalization policy, maize price and the price risk. The sensitivity analysis showed that increase in price and price risk will continue to be major determinants of hectarage and output of maize. Government should continue to increase agricultural credit since they had positive impact on maize cultivation.