Cassava is usually planted at three different times during the year. Early planting in May, middle planting in July and late planting in September. One of the keys to getting high yields and profit from cassava is knowing the appropriate time to plant. Knowing the best planting period will reduce losses and improve returns. In Nigeria, findings show that under ideal conditions, the best planting times for cassava are during the long rainy season which is generally from March to November depending on location. However, this study examines the effects of planting times (early and late) of cassava production on profitability in Nigeria using data from cassava farmers in Odeda Local Government Area in Ogun State as a case study. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, budgetary analysis and ordinary least squares regression. Results show that many (43.3%) of the cassava farmers had between 10 and 20 years’ experience in cassava farming. The majority (79.2%) of cassava farmers plant between April and June, and this set of cassava farmers were categorised as early planters, while 20.8% of the cassava farmers in the study plant between September and November and they were categorised as late planters. The results indicated that cassava planting time affect economic profitability of cassava. Cost of labour, extension services, planting time and farm size had a positive coefficients and significant effects on profitability level of the cassava farmers. It can therefore be concluded that despite the higher total revenue for the late planters of N145,005/ha (US$378.87) compared to N135,678/ha (US$354.50) for the early planters, early planting is still the best option for cassava farmers due to higher profitability ratio and unpredictable climate variability that usually affects the late planters.