Breadnut (Artocarpus camansis) is a seeded variety of breadfruit and is commonly known as chataigne in Trinidad and Tobago. The main objectives of this study were to assess the consumer acceptability of the breadnut/chataigne patty with two binding agents of xanthan gum (X) and eggs (E). Also the compositional proximate and physicochemical properties were analysed. Sensory evaluation was conducted by 53 voluntary panelists. The chataigne seeds were cleaned, washed and then boiled for 10 minutes at 215°F and then processed. Spices/herbs were added to the mixture and then each patty was pan seared at 130°F for 3 minutes on either side. Only the protein content (fresh weight basis) varied between chataigne patties, with higher crude protein for sample E 4.4g/100g when compared to sample X 2.2g/100g. The crude fat varied between 3.55-4.35 g/100g sample. There were no significant differences in firmness and stickiness between patties. The hue angle for sample X and E were 92.40 + 1.99 and 94.24 + 3.75 respectively which represented a yellow colour of the product.
Breadnut patty E had higher colour saturation (16.05 + 0.20) than patty X (14.99 + 0.38). Based on sensory evaluation, breadnut patty E had a higher preference (86.8%) over patty X. Most panelists (64.2%) reported a preferred choice for a chataigne patty over a meat patty. The shape, colour, aroma (P<0.01) and textural sensory attributes (P<0.05) of breadnut patty E were more liked than breadnut patty X.