Utilizing analytics and breadfruit germplasm data to create and enhance business opportunities in the Caribbean. (109)


Data analysis
extra-value products

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Utilizing analytics and breadfruit germplasm data to create and enhance business opportunities in the Caribbean. (109). (2016). Tropical Agriculture, 93(5). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/6513


Data analysis is crucial to meeting the needs, challenges and opportunities in the business environment. The use of the breadfruit germplasm data when matched with relevant data from different sources can provide an advantage to businesses in various sectors with regard to planning, resource allocation and creating extra value products and services. Representatives from three business sectors, Health and Wellness, Agriculture, and Education and Research were asked to interact with the primary data provided by the Breadfruit Germ Plasm at The University of the West Indies and with data relevant to their field. In order to create new products for enhancing service, we explored the use of nutritional data for assisting clients with their dietary recommendations and meal plans, the use of the yield and disease resistance data to aid farmers in decision making about breadfruit cultivars for commercial production and the use of morphological and other data from this database and other sources to enhance agricultural educational and research. Based on these interactions a web application was produced that merged the Breadfruit Germ Plasm data with sector relevant data to create a new facility or service for the clients of the aforementioned sectors. The implications for this application include the availability of analytics for this breadfruit database increases not only its own value by increasing its utility to enterprises in several sectors in the Caribbean, but also adds value to their data for creating new and better products or service. This can potentially enhance breadfruit utilization and commercialization throughout the Caribbean region.