Artocarpus altilis (Family: Moraceae) is commonly referred to as breadfruit as the texture of the moderately cooked ripe fruit is like potato or similar to freshly baked bread. In Malaysia, breadfruit is called buah sukun and its popular Malaysian recipe is breadfruit halva. Other recipes include boiled breadfruit in coconut milk, breadfruit curry, sukun chips, sukun fritters (cekodok sukun), breadfruit masala, breadfruit cheese soup and breadfruit fish cakes.
Breadfruit is rich in carbohydrates and protein. Basically, Artocarpus species consists of phenolic compounds which include flavonoids, stilbenoids, arylbenzofurons and Jacalin, a lectin. Breadfruit is also reported to contain 40 volatile compounds and capric, undecanoic and lauric acids act as insect repellents. Nutritional compositions of the seeds have protein, carbohydrate, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin, thiamine and Vitamin C.
Breadfruit is reported for ethnobotanical, traditional and pharmacological uses. Traditionally roots and barks of this plant were used for treatment of headache, reducing high blood pressure, as astringent, purgative, in skin disease, asthma, fever and diarrhea. Latex is used as treatment of broken bones, sprains and sciatica and diluted latex is taken internally for treatment of diarrhea, stomach ache and dysentery. The senescence leaves are used in treatment of hypertension and diabetes in Caribbean. In Taiwan, leaves are used in treatment of liver disease and fever. Fruits are used as astringent and carminative whereas ripe fruits are used as laxative and aphrodisiac. Seeds are used as diuretics and for treatment of constipation.