A four-year rejuvenation project (1987-1990) based on integrated management practices on Creole peaches in the Guatemalan highlands resulted in vigorous growth responses of foliage and branches, enhanced and more uniform flowering, larger fruit, improved disease control and significantly higher yields. The quantities of soluble solids and flesh firmness of fruits were not consistently different between controls and managed trees. The incidence of Coryneum shot-holing and fruit-spotting and Monilia brown rot was significantly reduced in managed trees. Hail damage was also reduced in trees receiving integrated management in four of five harvests, probably resulting from fruit thinning and increased foliage, and obvious differences were observed in the incidence of fruit cracking. Flowering was about two weeks earlier in managed/pruned trees which resulted in more frost damage in 1989. Therefore it is recommended that pruning be delayed until about one-half or more of the flowers are open.