Sensitivity of Ascochyta rabiei to selected fungicides in vitro


Ascochyta rabiei
Fungitoxic management

How to Cite

Sensitivity of Ascochyta rabiei to selected fungicides in vitro. (1992). Tropical Agriculture, 69(1).


Twelve fungicides, Baycor, Bengard, Derosal, Benomyl, Captan, Fytolan, Dithane M-45, Tecto, Topsin M, Syllit, Galben M-8-65 and Galben R-4-33 were evaluated in vitro for inhibition of spore germination of Ascochyta rabiei from Cicer arietinum L. Sensitivity of A. rabiei differed according to the fungicides tested, maximum being to Topsin-M (19.96 ?g ml-1), followed by benomyl, Galben R-4-33 and Tecto. Dosage response curves were similar for A. rabiei treated with Bengard, captan, Fytolan, Galben R-4-33 and benomyl. Dosage response curves were steeper on a log-probit basis for A. rabiei treated with Baycor, Galben R-4-33, captan and benomyl.