Response of rainfed lowland rice to green manuring with Sesbania rostrate


Rainfed lowland rice
Green manure
Sesbania rostrata

How to Cite

Response of rainfed lowland rice to green manuring with Sesbania rostrate. (1992). Tropical Agriculture, 69(1).


In a field study to evaluate the response of rainfed lowland rice to N fertilizer-green manure applications, it was shown that a 56-day-old Sesbania rostrata pre-rice green manure crop accumulated more than 6 t above-ground dry biomass ha-1 and about 160 kg N ha-1. Consequently, green manuring alone improved the grain yield of the subsequent rainfed lowland rice crop by about 1.8 t ha -1 over that of the control. This increase was the same as that of the 60 kg N ha -l treatment. Under rainfed lowland conditions, it appears that there is no need to combine fertilizer N with S. rostrata to obtain maximum benefits. In a relatively fertile soil, it is possible that all N requirement of the rice crop other than that which could be obtained from the native soil N may be provided by S. rostrata.