Using data from 483 farmers, factors influencing adoption of soil conservation practices (SCP) were investigated in Northern Haiti. Four selected soil conservation techniques -bann manje (contour crop bands), rocks wall, hedgerows and rampaye (contour bands of plant residues)-were evaluated using a multivariate probit model. The results reveal that educational level, crop dependency, access to credit and field size are factors affecting adoption of rock walls. Whereas gender, age of the farmer, land ownership, crop dependency, access to credit, interaction between educational level, group membership and the size of the treated plot had a statistically significant effect on adoption of hedgerows. Field size, the existence of slope and the interaction between slope and field size influenced adoption of rampaye. While age of the farmer, access to credit and the field size significantly influenced the adoption of bann manje. Policy makers who seek to encourage the use of SCP in North Haiti should consider those factors. Particular attention should be given to access to credit, extension education, training in soil conservation practices, and access to production resources.