Response of pak-choi (Brassica chinensis L.) to added sulphur in some West Indian soils

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Response of pak-choi (Brassica chinensis L.) to added sulphur in some West Indian soils. (1973). Tropical Agriculture, 50(1).


Studies were made on the deficiency symptoms of pak-choi (Brassica chinensis L.) and the response of the crop to sulphur added in the form of sulphate to eight West Indian soils. Sulphur-deficient plants were stunted and erect in habit and the younger leaves were an abnormal yellow green colour with pinkish red margins. Significant responses (in terms of dry matter yield and plant sulphur concentration) to added sulphate were found in all the soils used. In two soils of low pH responses were obtained only after liming. Percentage dry matter yield was well correlated (r = 0·82**) with percentage plant sulphur in the first crop only. Significant correlations between L values and percentage plant sulphur were obtained for both Crops. The general crop response to additions of sulphate to these soils indicates that the use of sulphur-containing fertilizers in the West Indies is of considerable value.