The beneficial effects of IBA at 8000 p.p.m. in promoting rooting are described. Different types of fully mature, hardwood cuttings of three cassava clones were rooted in sphagnum peat and in perlite under mist. Treatment with IB had an adverse effect on initial shoot development, especially on cuttings inserted in perlite. In peat, root length was stimulated particularly during the second week after insertion. Whether this was due to higher temperature or differences in the rooting medium characteristics, compared with perlite, requires further investigation. Shoot length increase in peat was also considerable, especially when cuttings were completely covered with peat. The presence of live, healthy buds was found to be essential for complete regeneration. With viable buds present, more than 90 per cent of all the cuttings produced roots and shoots within two weeks. Young rooted plants established from multi-bud, single bud or eye cuttings could serve as stock plants to provide a lasting source of non-lignified shoots. As cuttings these shoots may be readily rooted to give a rapid multiplication rate of selected cassava clones, either of new genotypes or virus tested plants.