Canopy characteristics of seven clones of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) estimated by the use of inclined point quadrats

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Canopy characteristics of seven clones of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) estimated by the use of inclined point quadrats. (1977). Tropical Agriculture, 54(3).


Inclined point quadrat were used to estimate the leaf area indices (LAI) angles of leaf pose and patterns or leaf aggregation or seven clones of tea. The LAI value obtained were compared with those obtained by a conventional destructive method. The leaf angle were compared with direct measurements made with a protractor. Data are also presented on area per leaf and canopy depths. There was a significant and positive correlation in the mean LAI value estimated by the two methods used, but there was no relationship between the two methods used in estimating leaf angles. Data revealed significant clonal differences in leaf canopy characteristics.