The effect of plant density and seed piece size on harvested knob size, time to first harvest maturity and yield were investigated for ginger cultivars from Queensland and Fiji. In two experiments, intra-row seed piece spacings were 11·2 and 22.4 cm, with a standard seed piece mass of 70 ± 2 g; and 11·2, 17·0 and 24·4 cm with seed piece masses of 42·5 ± 2 g and 85·5 ± 2 g. In experiment 1, destructive harvests were taken on five occasions and measurements made of fresh weight, knob size and percentage fibre-free rhizome, while in experiment 2, fresh weight and knob size of rhizomes were measured at maturity. Increased plant density reduced the time to first harvest maturity and increased yield, while use of larger seed pieces increased rhizome knob size and yield. Final first harvest maturity (35 per cent choice) was earlier, and yield and knob size generally greater, for the Fijian cultivar.