Dry matter productivity of eighteen native Belizean legume and Codariocalyx gyroides with Para grass (Brachiaria mutica) under clipping

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Dry matter productivity of eighteen native Belizean legume and Codariocalyx gyroides with Para grass (Brachiaria mutica) under clipping. (1981). Tropical Agriculture, 58(3). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/2847


In a replicated trial under 1500 mm rainfall on an alluvial soil in Belize C.A. 18 Native legume and Codariocalyx gyroides were grown with Brachiaria mutica and clipped every six weeks to determine the dry matter production of 14 month growth. Clipping was done at a variety of heights depending on the growth form of the legume. C. gyroides and Crotalaria retusa CF 57 had the highest legume dry matter yield and were productive in an extended dry season. Cemrosema plumieri CF 16-1, Calopogonium caeruleum CF 18 and Desmodium canum CF 1 were also productive though their dry season and total yields were much lower. Grass yields were high at the beginning of the rainy season but were low for the remainder of the year. Grass yields over 14 months were higher for the C. plumieri and Centrosema pubescens CF 6-1 plots than for the grass pure sward control. Weed yields were lower for higher cutting heights. Total dry matter yields (legume, grass and weeds) over 14 months were greater than the control for D. gyroides, C. plumieri and C. retusa CF 57.