Numerous synergistic and antagonistic interactions between pairs of micronutrients were found in elongating leaf sheaths of eight to ten-month-old, fieldgrown sugar-cane. Synergistic interactions were noted in the uptake of Ca-S, Ca-Zn, Ca-Cu, Ca-B, Mg-S, Mg-Zn, Mg-Mn, S-Zn S-Cu, S-B, S-Mn, Zn-B and Cu-B. Antagonistic interactions were found between Ca-Mn, Mg-Cu, Mg-B and Zn-Cu. All of these interactions were statistically significant at the five per cent confidence level, and many were significant at the one per cent level. Silicate (SiO2), which is not known to be an essential nutrient, significantly and positively influenced S and Mg accumulation. On the other hand, uptake of Mn, Cu and B was significantly (P =0·01) decreased with increasing SiO2 concentrations in the immature sheath tissue.