A review of factors influencing successful pasture renovation


Clay soils
Pasture renovation
Pasture management.

How to Cite

A review of factors influencing successful pasture renovation. (1982). Tropical Agriculture, 59(2). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/2778


The probability of failure of pasture renovation is normally much higher than that of pasture renewal. However, pastures can be successfully renovated and the costs involved are much lower than with pasture renewal methods. Several factors will enhance the chances of successful pasture renovation. Prior to seeding, measures should be taken to control competition from resident species. These may include over-grazing, mowing, minimum tillage, burning, or the use of herbicides. The choice of an adapted species with high seedling vigour is important. Scarification of hard seed will enhance rapid water imbibition. However hard seed will be beneficial should initial establishment fail. The use of an appropriate soil inoculate for legumes is essential if indigenous populations of Rhizobium are low. The use of seedling equipment that maintains high levels of moisture in the seed furrow will enhance the probability of establishment, especially when dry conditions follow seeding. Seeding should be performed when the soil conditions facilitate intimate seed-soil contact, and the probability of favourable weather conditions following planting is high. The use of herbicides to reduce competition from resident species but maintain a standing cover of vegetable mulch may help establishment by keeping high levels of moisture in the vicinity of the seed grove.