The effects of minimum tillage on weeds and yield of durum wheat in central Ethiopia


Minimum tillage
Durum wheat
Weed control

How to Cite

The effects of minimum tillage on weeds and yield of durum wheat in central Ethiopia. (1996). Tropical Agriculture, 73(3).


Minimum tillage which combined reduced tillage with herbicide in the management of weeds in durum wheat fields was investigated at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia for three years. The grain yield obtained from minimum tillage (MT) plots was almost 50% lower than that of conventional tillage (CT) when MT was practised continuously on the same piece of land. However, when MT was rotated with CT in alternate cycles, it was found to be equally effective in suppressing weed populations and reducing the dry matter accumulation of weeds. Furthermore, the grain yield difference between the two treatments was non-significant. Nevertheless, a higher marginal rate of return was obtained with the use of CT. The herbicides 2,4-D 720 amine, Brittox 52%, MCPA 625, and one hand-weeding were effective in controlling broad-leaved weeds, irrespective of the tillage system. In general, difficulty in sowing was experienced with the MT system.