Substitution of shrimp waste meal for fish meal in broiler chicken rations


Fish meal
Shrimp waste meal

How to Cite

Substitution of shrimp waste meal for fish meal in broiler chicken rations. (1996). Tropical Agriculture, 73(3).


The effect of substituting fish meal (FM) with shrimp waste meal (SWM) at four levels (0, 33, 66, 100%) in diets on the performance of broilers was determined. One hundred and forty-four day-old Cobb broiler chicks were raised on four iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric diets with 22% crude protein (CP) and 12.1 MJ metabolizable energy (ME) kg-1 diet in the starting phase and 18% CP and 12.0 MJ ME kg-1 diet in the finishing phase. Growth rate and feed efficiency were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced with 100% substitution level at both phases. No significant effect was found in feed consumption during the two phases. Mortality increased with an increased level of SWM in the diet while per cent N retention decreased with an increased level of SWM in the diets. Carcass and organoleptic measurements indicated a significant (P < 0.05) increase in weight of gizzard, liver, and abdominal fat only while the 100% SWM diet significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the fish flavour and overall acceptance of the meat. The results show that SWM could replace up to 66% of FM in broiler diets.