Nutrient digestibility of leucaena meal and sugar cane molasses based-diets in growing finishing pigs


Leucaena meal
Sugar cane molasses
Nutrient digestibility

How to Cite

Nutrient digestibility of leucaena meal and sugar cane molasses based-diets in growing finishing pigs. (1997). Tropical Agriculture, 74(4).


Six crossbred castrated male pigs weighing 55 kg each were randomly allocated to three diets according to a duplicate 3 × 3 Latin Square Design to study digestion indices determined by sun-dried leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam.) meal (LM) of 11 and 22% on dry matter basis in diets based on sugar cane molasses grade B and soya bean meal. Ferrous sulphate (0.5%) was included in all diets. A significant decrease in energy (P < 0.01) but not in N digestibility was observed by increasing the level of LM in the diet. There was no treatment effect on crude fibre digestibility. Faecal pH significantly decreased (P < 0.05) and daily faecal short chain fatty acids and ammonia excretion increased (P < 0.001) with increasing levels of dietary LM. No adverse effects on nutrient digestibility were observed when LM at 11 % was included in the diets.