Role of host genotype in effectiveness and competitiveness of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizobium


Host genotype
Nitrogen fixation
Rhizobium inoculation
Strain competition

How to Cite

Role of host genotype in effectiveness and competitiveness of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) rhizobium. (1985). Tropical Agriculture, 62(2).


A field study to examine the role of host genotype in effectiveness and competitiveness of five chickpea Rhizobium strains was conducted in a Mollisol soil. Variety 'J.G.-62 formed significantly more nodules at 70 days and 'Pant G-114' registered significantly more nodule dry weight at 40 days of crop growth. Nevertheless, in general, variety Pant G-114 showed better response to inoculation with all five strains and recorded significantly more grain yield than J.G.-62. Strain S2. in general, performed better than other strains in terms of nodulation and plant dry weight; it also produced significant (about 32 and 48%, respectively) increase in grain yields in Pant G-114 and J.G.-62 varieties; Si and S4 interacted best with Pant G-114 and recorded appreciably greater (21.5 and 23.1%, respectively) increase in grain yield over the control. Varieties did not show statistically significant roles in strain competition but Pant G-114 favoured strain S1 to form 98% more nodules than the control at 40 days. Moreover, Pant G-114, in general, appeared to have favoured all the strains against native strains in comparison with J.G.-62. Strain S2 was effective and competitive as well, whereas S1 and S4, though rated mediocre in competition, were more effective than S3. S5 and native strains. On the other hand, S3, which was comparable with S2 in competitiveness, was least effective with both varieties.