Epidemiology and control of tomato leaf curl virus in southern India


Tomato leaf curl virus
Bemisia tabaci
Nylon net

How to Cite

Epidemiology and control of tomato leaf curl virus in southern India. (1989). Tropical Agriculture, 66(4). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/1896


Tomato plants were susceptible to infection by tomato leaf-curl virus (TLCV) at all stages of their growth. The incidence of TLCV in some tomato growing areas of Kamataka, India, ranged 17-53% in July-November to 100% in crops grown in February-May (summer). In sequential sowings, 90-100% of plants were infected in plots sown between the end of January and end of May. Infection in plots sown later was progressively less. 50-70% yield loss was observed in tomato cv. Pusa Ruby sown in February-May. A strong correlation was obtained between the percentage incidence of TLCV and whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) numbers (r = + 0.970, P = 0.01). TLCV was transmitted by B. tabaci to 23 host plants. B. tabaci was observed in nature on 173 plant species around Bangalore. Five lines of Lycopersicon hirsutum Hamb. & Bonpl. (Pl 390513, Pl 390658, Pl 390659, LA 386, LA 1777) and two lines of L. peruvianum Mill. (Pl 127830, Pl 127831) were resistant to TLCV. Covering the tomato seedling nursery with nylon net for 25-30 days, together with application of four sprays of monocrotophos (Nuvacron) at 10-day intervals after transplanting delayed the spread of TLCV for 3-5 weeks and increased tomato yields.