Influence of cassava mosaic virus on cassava leaf-vegetable quality


Manihot esculenta
Cassava mosaic disease
Cassava leaves
Leaf cyanide
Leaf protein
Leaf soluble sugar
Leaf crude fibre

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Influence of cassava mosaic virus on cassava leaf-vegetable quality. (1989). Tropical Agriculture, 66(4).


People of Zaire prefer cassava mosaic virus-infected cassava leaves to the healthy leaves for vegetable use. The diseased leaves are believed to be sweeter and more tender. To investigate this claim, leaves from three cassava clones, TMS 50395, TMS 30572 and lsunikankiyan, with disease ratings of one to five, were analysed for total cyanide (free and bound), protein (N × 6.25), total soluble sugars and crude fibre. Total cyanide concentration decreased significantly in the three clones with increasing disease severity; protein also decreased as the disease progressed (P = 0.001). Total soluble sugars and crude fibre content were unrelated to disease rating.