Two determinate (early-flowering) and two indeterminate (late-flowering) varieties of Amaranthus cruentus L. were grown in two field trials at the National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Ibadan, Nigeria, to evaluate their performance under two harvesting methods. Pruning was superior (P = 0.05) to uprooting in the total numbers of leaves and branches developed, the total fresh weight yield and the dry weight of the various plant parts. The later-flowering, indeterminate varieties performed better (57% better) than the early-flowering, determinate varieties. Consequently, the pruned indeterminate varieties developed the highest green vegetable yield and the uprooted determinate varieties developed the least. It seems to be more profitable to grow the indeterminate, late-flowering Amaranthus varieties at the start of the rains and harvest by continuously cutting back, rather than uprooting once at the optimum commercial stage.