Factors affecting greasy fleece weight of indigenous and crossbred sheep under semi-arid conditions


Greasy fleece weight
Genetic factors
Non-genetic factors

How to Cite

Factors affecting greasy fleece weight of indigenous and crossbred sheep under semi-arid conditions. (1989). Tropical Agriculture, 66(2). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/1854


Data on first shearing (at about seven months) greasy fleece weight of 634 young sheep born in spring over three years were analysed to study the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors. The genetic groups were Nali, Chokla and their F1 crosses with Rambouillet and Soviet Merino. Least-squares analysis revealed that year of birth and age at shearing were highly significant sources of variation (P < 0.01). Genetic groups and sex did not contribute significantly to the variation in fleece weight. Crossing Nali and Chokla with Rambouillet and Soviet Merino did not substantially improve the fleece production at first shearing.