Diversification of cassava utilization in the Lake Zone of Tanzania: A case study. (125)


Needs assessment studies
Feasibility study
Women processors

How to Cite

Diversification of cassava utilization in the Lake Zone of Tanzania: A case study. (125). (1998). Tropical Agriculture, 75(1). https://journals.sta.uwi.edu/ojs/index.php/ta/article/view/1559


The utilization of cassava in many regions of Tanzania is limited mainly to processing primary cassava products for flour and consumption of cooked fresh roots. During needs-assessment studies in the Lake Zone of Tanzania, women processors expressed their interest in increasing their range of cassava products, especially for income generation. A study was, therefore, implemented in three phases: a feasibility study, an acceptability study, and dissemination activities. Follow-up studies were undertaken to determine the level of uptake and refine the dissemination activities. The level of demand for the products warranted a dissemination phase during which training workshop were organized for over 30 women's groups from Mwanza and Mara regions. Various lessons were learnt during the study including, knowledge on the use of cassava flour was limited, information disseminated through groups was taken up on a sustainable basis, and certain products were preferred (cakes, doughnuts, and chinchin), so activities were focussed on these. Target groups for the dissemination of the technology were identified as cafe owners for doughnuts, market sellers for all products, and women's groups for products from which they could generate income. Future dissemination of the technology will focus on community development organizations to ensure cost effectiveness and sustainability.