The influence of seed maturity classes on plant stand variation in bunch (cv. GG 2) and spreading (cv. M 13) types of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) were analysed between 1992-95. Maturity classes were determined based on colour of the inner surface of the pod shell. The results revealed that the medium maturity group (semi-mature, mature, and semi over-mature class) of kernels in cv. M 13 and the mature class kernels in cv. GG 2 showed higher percentage germination (laboratory and field), greater Seedling Vigour Index (SVI), better growth, and improved pod yields. Seeds and seedlings of these classes were least infected and (or) colonized by fungi compared to immature and over-mature classes of kernels. The seedling mortality was higher in the immature class. The biochemical constituents of the kernels also varied significantly with the maturity class. The results showed that plant stand variation and associated yield variation were attributed to existing differences in seed maturity classes within seed lots.