Gender roles and expertise in pest management and cabbage production in Tomohon, Indonesia. (47)


Gender roles
Pest management
Cabbage production

How to Cite

Gender roles and expertise in pest management and cabbage production in Tomohon, Indonesia. (47). (2000). Tropical Agriculture, 77(1).


Determination of the relative involvement of men and women in agricultural systems is often critical to the successful implementation of extension services and new pest management technologies. This study emphasizes the importance of including both male and female farmers in future extension services and pest management training activities. Interviews were conducted in three villages in the sub-district of Tomohon, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, to obtain information on pest management practices, levels of pest management knowledge, and gender roles in cabbage production. It was determined that male farmers had a higher participation rate in fieldwork than females; both women and men performed all production tasks, except the solely male task of applying insecticides; women were most active in planting, weeding, and transplanting; levels of biological knowledge about cabbage pests were very high but quality of pest management knowledge was poor; and, no gender-based differences existed in terms of pest management knowledge. The latter finding was contrary to expressed beliefs that men were more knowledgeable.