Selection of larger bunch size in Cavendish banana (Musa spp) was made among somaclonal variants in banana orchards established through tissue-cultured plantlets. Eleven selected clones were evaluated in two preliminary yield trials among which clones TC2-256 and TC2-425 were selected based on their performance in yield potential and horticultural characteristics. These two clones were further evaluated in an advanced yield trial together with cvs 'Pei-Chiao' and 'Tai-Chiao No. 2' as local checks for two cycles using a randomised complete block design with four replications. Clones TC2-425 and TC2-256 consistently gave higher bunch weight of 33.5-34.8 kg and 28.1-31.6 kg, respectively, which was about 2-6 kg higher than the check cultivars. In addition, the selected clones showed a longer growing cycle, taller and thicker pseudostems, and a larger number of hands and fingers per bunch. The fruit size of clone TC2-425 was significantly (P < 0.05) larger than that of the other clones evaluated in the same trial. Practical considerations of using somaclonal variation for the improvement of horticultural traits in banana are discussed.