Development and reproduction by Metaponpneumata rogenhoferi Möschler. (186)


Metaponpneumata rogenhoferi

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Development and reproduction by Metaponpneumata rogenhoferi Möschler. (186). (2002). Tropical Agriculture, 79(3).


Metaponpneumata rogenhoferi Möschler larval development and adult longevity and fecundity were observed in the laboratory. Larvae were fed maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Möench], and sicklepod [Senna obtusifolia (L.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby]. Sicklepod was the most suitable host for larval development (35% larval survival) compared to maize (8%) or sorghum (0%). Pupal weight was greater for larvae fed sicklepod (61 mg) compared to pupal weight for larvae fed maize (34 mg). Larvae fed sorghum did not complete development to pupae. Females exposed to males for 72 h following adult eclosion laid 5.3- and 4.2-fold more eggs per day than females exposed to males for 24 or 48 h, respectively, following adult eclosion. Mating treatments did not significantly influence number of eggs laid per female, number of egg clusters per female, or number of eggs per cluster. Longevity of females that were exposed to males for 24, 48, or 72 h was similar, but males lived fewer days when allowed to mate for 72 h compared with males allowed to mate for 24 h. No differences in longevity between sexes were observed after 24, 48, or 72 h mating periods. This information helps define the ability of M. rogenhoferi larvae to utilize specific host plants for immature development and characterizes aspects of reproduction.