Metaponpneumata rogenhoferi Möschler (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a species of lepidoptera which cause extensive damage to sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] and maize (Zea mays L.) in Honduras. There is little information available on the biology of this species and studies were initiated to determine effects of diet on larval and pupal development, pupal weight, and fecundity. Larvae developed more rapidly on sicklepod [Senna obtusifolia (L.) Irwin & Barneby] seedling foliage (mean 11.9 days) than on maize seedling foliage (13.3 days) or artificial diet (16.1 days). Time of development from egg to adult was more rapid for larvae reared on sicklepod (26.0 days) than on maize (29.5 days) or artificial diet (34.5 days). Pupae from larvae fed on artificial diet weighed more (mean 47.0 mg) than pupae from larvae reared on sicklepod (28.0 mg) or maize (35.0 mg), and number of eggs laid per female was greater for moths reared on sicklepod (70.2 eggs) than on maize (28.0 eggs) or artificial diet (37.2 eggs). Although M. rogenhoferi completed development on maize, these data suggest that maize has less impact than sicklepod on the build-up of populations of this insect pest in agricultural communities in southern Honduras. The wheat germ artificial diet would be less acceptable than sicklepod or maize in rearing M. rogenhoferi for biological studies. All three diets provided minimum nutritional resources for sustained development of M. rogenhoferi through 2-3 generations in the laboratory.