A two-year field study (1996 and 1997) at two locations (Samaru and Kadawa) was conducted in a replicated experiment to determine the optimum period for vegetable amaranth harvest, and the association and relationships among yield and yield components. Pooled results of the four environments revealed that from 8 weeks after sowing (WAS) up to 10 WAS was an appropriate period for harvesting. There were positive, significant (either at 5 or 1% probability), and close associations among yield [total dry matter (DM) and marketable and edible yields) and yield components from 4-8 weeks after transplanting. Leaf area increased at the expense of stand count (b = -0.022), while plant height increased at the expense of leaf area (b = -0.019). Marketable yield increased with increase in total DM and edible yield (b =0.108 and b = 0.246), while edible yield increased with increase in stand count (b = 0.032).Marketable and edible yields could be improved directly through total DM yield and indirectly through shoot dry weight, number of leaves, stand count, and plant height.