Allelic interactions involving fibre yield and its attributes in white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) in India: An alternative eco-friendly fibre in the 21st century. (78)


Corchorus capsularis L.
Combining ability
Gene action

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Allelic interactions involving fibre yield and its attributes in white jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) in India: An alternative eco-friendly fibre in the 21st century. (78). (2005). Tropical Agriculture, 82(2).


Although jute (Corchorus sp.) fibre has been traditionally used solely in the packaging sector, there are other sectors with tremendous possibilities for diversified utilization. However, in order to realize such possibilities, the breeder must incorporate newer exotic genotypes into the breeding programme. Towards this end, the superiority of the hybrid means may not always indicate their ability to produce transgressive segregates, as the components of heterosis include many types of unfixable gene effects. Therefore, it is necessary for a breeder to identify the potentialities of the available germplasm for its ability to produce transgressive segregates. Fibre yield and its components were assessed in the F1s of 11 white jute genotypes obtained through diallel crossing. The additive and dominant gene actions were highly significant for all the characters. The genotypes, Solimos, JRC-212, and CHN/FJ/052C were found to be the best general combiners and the crosses CHN/FJ/052C x JRC-212, JRC-321 x BZ-2-2, and NPL/KDC/093C x Lisa were the best for further breeding work. Non-additive gene action was predominant over additive gene action for all the characters studied. The positive and negative alleles were of unequal frequencies among the parents for all traits. The respective frequencies of dominant alleles were positive and significant for basal diameter, top diameter, and green weight, but in case of plant height, it was found to be negative. Except for node number and fibre percentage, all the other characters displayed a pre-eminent role of dominant effect due to their loci being heterozygous. The estimates of narrow- and broad-sense heritability were relatively high for plant height, basal diameter, and fibre yield. It was concluded that selection for these traits would be more effective showing positive responses in the advanced generations of recombinant populations.