Four fodder tree species were tested in four types of planting pits. A gradual reduction in the survival of different tree species with the advancement of tree age was recorded. The improved pit among the planting methods and Morus alba among the tree species showed higher survival than the remaining treatments. The growth parameters, viz., plant height and crown diameter showed different trends with age of trees. Improved pit recorded significantly (P < 0.05) higher plant height than other planting techniques in the combined analysis. Fodder trees also exhibited variable response to different planting methods in combined analysis. Crown diameter differed significantly, being maximal in case of M. alba. The traditional planting method had significantly (P < 0.05) lower crown diameter among the methods. The biomass production of trees, viz., green biomass, dry fodder, and fuel yield, varied considerably in different years, showing no definite and uniform trend of increase or decrease over the study period. Improved pit produced the highest green biomass (8.51 t ha-1), however, it was similar to trench method. In contrast, the trench method showed the highest fuel yield (6.39 t ha-1), but remained similar to the improved pit. In the pooled analysis of data, it was observed that M. alba had the highest green forage and fuel yield (10.99 and 10.10 t ha-1, respectively), followed by Grewia optiva.