The effect of seedbed preparation on the efficacy of herbicides and maize performance. (127)


Zea mays
Zero tillage
Weedy check
Hoe weeding

How to Cite

The effect of seedbed preparation on the efficacy of herbicides and maize performance. (127). (2006). Tropical Agriculture, 83(4).


Maize (Zea mays L.) performance and weed control efficiency with three seedbed preparation methods combined with either a pre-plant or post-emergence herbicide were compared over two years. The treatments were: zero tillage + weedy check, zero tillage + hoe weeding, zero tillage + glyphosate, zero tillage + atrazine, ridge + weedy check, ridge + hoe weeding, ridge + glyphosate, ridge + atrazine, heap + weedy check, heap + hoe weeding, heap + glyphosate, and heap + atrazine. Atrazine applied at 3.0 kg active ingredient ha-1 post-emergence and glyphosate applied pre-emergence at the same rate produced better weed control efficiency, plant height, and grain yield under ridge and heap tillage than under zero tillage system. Atrazine compared well with hoe weeding, but performed better than glyphosate.