Field trial was conducted at CIMAP, Resource Centre, Pantnagar, Uttaranchal during 2004 - 05 to study the response of nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg/ha) on growth, yield and quality of oil in local and improved varieties of clarysage. Although both the varieties attained similar plant height, the improved variety CIM-Chandni produced a significantly greater number of branches, spikes per plant and florets per spike, spike length (26.2 cm) and inflorescence: plant ratio (0.534) and higher essential oil content (0.154 %). CIM-Chandni produced 15% more floral spikes and 47% more essential oil than the local variety which produced 163.0 q/ha floral spike and 17.6 kg/ha essential oil. Flower spikes and essential oil yields in both the varieties increased significantly with the increase in nitrogen rates up to 80 kg N /ha due to higher plant height, number of branches and spikes per plant and inflorescence : plant ratio. However, essential oil content was found to be higher in the spikes of control plots and to decrease gradually with increasing nitrogen levels. The response per kg N in terms of oil was 0.10 kg. Net return was Rs. 58011 and net return per rupee investment was Rs. 38.96 for var. CIM- Chandni, whereas the corresponding values for local variety were 0.06, 34521 and 23.35, respectively. The linalyl acetate and linalool content in essential oil increased up to 160 kg/ha N in both the varieties, while sclareol attained its highest peak at 80 kg N/ha especially in variety CIM-Chandni. Sclareol content in the local variety showed an increasing trend with each increment of nitrogen.