Gender and labour utilization in rural farm households of Imo State. (140)

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Gender and labour utilization in rural farm households of Imo State. (140). (2010). Tropical Agriculture, 87(3).


This study analyzed labour utilization issues in the rural farm households of Imo state. Data were collected with a structured questionnaire and personal observations from 120 stratified randomly selected rural farm households in Imo state, and analyzed using descriptive statistics and ordinary least squares regression technique. Results showed that the amount of labour used per hectare of cultivated area was estimated at about 186.5 mandays. Farm size, state of infrastructure, difference in income and household capital are key determinants of the share of household labour time devoted to farming by male and female household heads, while farm size, state of infrastructure, difference in income, household capital, dependency ratio and gender explain the share of labour time spent on non – farm income generating activities by male and female household heads in Imo State. There is need for policy actions to improve the agricultural product markets if rural households in Imo state are to allocate more labour time to farming activities.