Cessation of Printed Issues
Tropical Agriculture will cease production of printed issues from January 2023 but will continue to provide subscribers with free on-line access of issues from Volume 96, 2019 to current and future issues. Back issues, from Volume 1 to Volume 95 will be available for purchase.
Tropical Agriculture thanks all agents and subscribers for their continued support of the journal.
Publication Fee
In 2019, Tropical Agriculture journal transitioned to a fully open access journal. For manuscripts first received on or after 1st April 2021, if they are accepted for publication after the peer review process is complete, for a Research Paper and a Review Paper, a publication fee of US$200 and for a Research Note, Short Communication and for students (need to submit a copy of student’s identification), a publication fee of US$100 will be charged to the lead author.
To: Corresponding Authors, Subscribers and Agents
Tropical Agriculture has developed arrangements with agricultural societies to publish papers of internationally acceptable quality in TA issues in the year of their meetings. Agricultural research societies in the Caribbean and elsewhere that wish to have a similar arrangement with TA are invited to so indicate in a letter to the Editor In Chief.
Read more about To: Corresponding Authors, Subscribers and Agents