About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JHCSC aims to promote the study, teaching and research of human communication studies in the Caribbean and beyond by publishing peer-reviewed original research articles on subjects and themes related to human communication studies.

The journal invites scholars and other contributors with an interest in human communication studies in the Caribbean to submit original academic research papers. The initial issue(s) will present research from the inaugural conference in 2013 based on the submission requirements of the Call for Papers on the theme: Celebrating the Caribbean in Communication, Culture and Community. Please see the 2013 submission requirements.

As the focus and content of the journal evolves, in addition to the call for academic original research articles, proposals for shorter and alternative, imaginative pieces such as Research Articles, Reader Responses, Book Reviews, Interviews, Research in Progress, and Concept Papers will be invited by the Editorial Board.

Peer Review Process

Interested authors should submit original research papers on human communication studies in the Caribbean for double-blind international peer review.

Publication Frequency

The JHCSC aims to publish at least one volume consisting of at least two issues per year, but there may be periodic special thematic Calls for Papers that necessitate a deviation.