Caregiving in Trinidad and Tobago

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Kenneth A. Niles


This paper defines the Caregiver, discusses educating the Caregiver and the Caregiving Paradigm and concludes by stating that The Govemment of Trinidad and Tobago could be commended for the continued fervour to implement the policies and legislation enacted. These measures would also affect the necessary changes for tomorrow's challenges and to provide the safety nets for a successful ageing population.  The paper also reminds us that Caregivers are needed.

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Author Biography

Kenneth A. Niles

Psychologist, Therapist and Lecturer/Tutor Social Gerontology, The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. He has presented papers in the field of Gerontology at several fora in the region and internationally and is presently doing research in the area of Elder Rights and Elder Abuse. He also works with the hearing impaired.